<p><a href="https://www.ngeckenya.org/Downloads/Gender%20mainstreaming%20tool%20and%20measuring%20performance%20indicators%202023-2024.docx">GENDER MAINSTREAMING REPORTING TOOL AND MEASURING PERFORMANCE 2023-2024</a></p>
<p>Green Energy Report </p>
<p>Gender equality in publicly listed compa nies accrues benefits to women across all strata which include; breaking corporate ascension barriers for women, increased representation in terms of advocacy for policies and practices that benefit women at all levels of the organization, and the opportunity to seek counsel, support, and guidance from mentors and role models. This is particularly beneficial for women occupying lower-level positions within and outside the organization, as they might be deprived of visibility or mentorship opportunities.</p>
<p>The National Gender and Equality Commission undertook a benchmarking exercise to the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) of the Republic of Uganda. The purpose of the benchmarking exercise was to: -</p> <ol> <li>Assess the extent of EOC’s contribution to raising awareness and capacity-building about gender budgets;</li> <li>To extract good practices and inform NGEC’s strategic guidance for future programming on GRB and</li> <li>To consult on appropriate policy and legal reforms for making GRB accountable by National and County Governments.</li> </ol>
<p>What does it take to vie for an elective office in Kenya? What does it take for a Kenyan woman to vie for a gubernatorial seat? These are the questions that the Commission sought to answer as it embarked on a whirlwind assessment of nine women gubernatorial candidates in Machakos, Kitui, Taita Taveta, Kirinyaga, Meru, Bomet, Kisumu and Kakamega Counties.</p>
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