Vulnerable groups to benefit from 30-percent GOK procurement plans
Women, youth and groups comprising persons with disability under National Gender and Equality Commission and Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung's fit for life” projects stand to benefit from a 30% government procurement plan that will see them access Ksh.200 billion worth of government contracts.
Different youth, women and PWDs groups from Nairobi under the fit for life project who attended the Access to Government procurement opportunities expo at the KICC got a rare opportunity to engage with different stake holders from State and non-State institutions where they learnt more on group formations and registration, tax compliance, procurement process, accessing loans, identifying income generating activities amongst others.
Speaking during the official opening of the expo, President Uhuru Kenyatta urged ministries to ensure that vulnerable groups get to participate in prime government contracts, and not smaller ones like bush clearing and cleaning services. He further issued a stern warning to corrupt civil servants who demand bribes in the name of awarding tenders and promised to open up a website to name and shame corrupt officers.
The ministries of Devolution and National Treasury will register potential beneficiaries for tender awards after thorough vetting and ensure the information is made available to procurement departments in government. Successful pre-qualified bidders will be trained on entrepreneurship that will help link them with financing institutions.
Fit for life in Africa is a 3 year regional project implemented in Kenya, Ethiopia and Tanzania whose integrated approach is focused at addressing the needs of vulnerable populations. NGEC in collaboration with DSW, are working together towards supporting social protection and employment by improving the health and livelihoods of those excluded from the formal labour market especially women, youth and persons with disability.
Duetsche Stiftung Weltbev,NGEC,procurement