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The National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) joins Kenya and the global community in commemorating the United Nations International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) 2024.

This year’s theme is “Ageing with Dignity: The Importance of Strengthening Care and Support Systems for Older Persons Worldwide. The theme reminds us of our collective responsibility to uphold the rights and dignity of older persons, ensuring that they live in environments that promote respect, security, and care.

The global population of older persons is increasing rapidly, and Kenya is following the same trend. Globally, the proportion of older persons is projected to rise from 9.3% in 2020 to 16% by 2050 (UN, 2020). In Kenya, the 2019 Population and Housing Census reported 2.7 million people aged 60 and above, representing about 6% of the population (KNBS, 2019). This number is expected to rise significantly by 2050 due to increased life expectancy and declining birth rates. According to World Population Prospects 2019, the percentage of older people in Kenya will remain around 6% through 2030, then increase rapidly to 10% by 2050.  The majority of Older Persons live in the rural areas ( KNBS,2019). This demographic shift, alongside urbanization, changing societal attitudes, and population movements, underscores the urgent need to develop care systems that ensure older persons can age with dignity and receive the support they require.

Kenya has made significant strides in safeguarding the rights of older persons through legislative, policy, institutional and programmatic interventions. The Constitution recognizes the rights of older persons, including rights to social security, non-discrimination and education, and obligates the State to take measures to ensure older persons’ participation, personal development, dignity, respect, and protection from abuse; and together with the family, the government should provide care and reasonable assistance to older persons. Others include the National Social Protection Policy,2023, the National Policy on Older Persons and Ageing, revised 2018 and the Inua Jamii Cash Transfer Programme, which offers a critical social safety net for elderly citizens.  The Kenya Health Policy (2014-2030). The Healthy Ageing and Older Persons’ Health Strategy 2022-2026 and the National Health Sector Strategic Plan (2018-2023) focus on improving healthcare services for older persons, especially in rural areas, addressing inequities in access to care.

Further, the Government has embarked on the development of an Older Person’s Bill, 2024 that is a key milestone in strengthening the legal protection of older persons in Kenya.  The introduction of the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF), set to commence in October 2024, holds great promise for improving the well-being of older persons. The NGEC commends the Government for these efforts.

Despite these positive developments, older persons in Kenya continue to face numerous challenges, including inadequate healthcare, social exclusion and ageism, financial insecurity, and elder abuse. Moreover, traditional family support systems are weakening due to urban migration, leaving many elderly individuals isolated.

As we commemorate this International Day, the NGEC calls on the government and relevant stakeholders to take the following actions :

  1. Finalize and implement the Older Persons Bill, 2024 that will establish a stronger legal framework to protect the rights of older persons and address issues such as elder abuse.
  2. Prioritize healthcare for older persons by expanding preventive care, chronic disease management, and long-term care programs. Through the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF), the Government should increase and equip SHIF-accredited health facilities to meet the specialized needs of older persons.
  3. Streamline and simplify the registration process for SHIF enrollment to ensure older persons can easily access specialized healthcare services.
  4. Raise awareness about the new SHIF and actively encourage older persons to enrol, ensuring they understand its benefits.
  5. Extend pension coverage to informal sector workers and introduce necessary reforms to ensure a sustainable and inclusive pension system that covers all older persons.
  6. Promote community-based initiatives at the county level to reduce social isolation. This can be achieved by fostering intergenerational programs and outreach efforts that enhance social connections for older persons.

 We urge all stakeholders to work collaboratively to ensure that older persons have access to the care, support, and protections they need to live dignified, fulfilling lives.

As we commemorate this year’s International Day of Older Persons, NGEC reaffirms its commitment to promoting and protecting the rights and dignity of older persons in Kenya.

 To the older persons of Kenya, we celebrate your invaluable contributions and assure you that your rights will continue to be at the forefront of our agenda.

Thank you.

Commissioner Thomas O. Koyier, EBS

Ag. Chairperson, National Gender and Equality Commission

Commissioner Thomas O. Koyier, EBS-Ag. Chairperson, National Gender and Equality Commission



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