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The National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) unequivocally condemns the heinous act of sexual assault perpetrated against a patient at Pandya Memorial Hospital. This despicable violation, as reported, constitutes not only a grave abuse of power and trust but also a fundamental breach of human rights, medical ethics, and professional integrity. 

We stand with FIDA-Kenya in their condemnation of this shocking incident and join them in demanding urgent and decisive action against all those found culpable. Acts of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), particularly in healthcare settings where individuals seek care and protection, must never be tolerated under any circumstances. 

The Commission calls upon law enforcement agencies to immediately conduct thorough investigations, ensure swift justice, and prefer the most stringent charges against all responsible parties, including any individuals who may have facilitated or attempted to cover up the assault. The full force of the law must be applied to serve as a deterrent against such violations in the future. 

Furthermore, the Commission demands that Pandya Memorial Hospital urgently develop, implement, and institutionalize a comprehensive workplace Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) policy. This policy must include stringent safeguards, mandatory reporting mechanisms, and robust protection measures to ensure the safety and dignity of all patients and staff. The hospital administration must also guarantee transparency in the handling of this matter and commit to upholding the highest standards of professional conduct. 

As the national oversight body on matters of gender equality and non-discrimination, NGEC will remain vigilant in monitoring this case and other emerging issues of SGBV in institutional settings. We reiterate our commitment to advocating for stronger policies, enhanced accountability, and systemic reforms to protect the rights of all Kenyans, particularly women and vulnerable groups, against all forms of violence and exploitation. 

We urge all institutions, particularly those in the healthcare sector, to proactively adopt and enforce workplace SGBV policies, train their staff on safeguarding measures, and establish clear accountability structures to prevent the recurrence of such reprehensible incidents. 




Hon Rehema Jaldesa- Chairperson, NGEC



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