Embracing Diversity in Marsabit County
In the spirit of promoting gender equality and freedom from discrimination, the Commission led by Commissioner Gumato Yatani pitched tent in Marsabit County to provide a platform for special interest groups discuss issues affecting them and propose ways of overcoming their challenges
The two day multi sectoral meeting brought together men, women, PWDs, older members of the society, youth, and minority and marginalized communities and created a platform with policy makers and implementers representing County and National governments (CECs in charge of gender and culture; finance and planning; Trade and Enterprise Development; Education, youth skills and sport; Chairman of UWEZO Fund Committee and Youth Enterprise Development Fund in the County and County Liaison Officer).

The event sought to sensitize residents on the mandate and achievements of the Commission and create awareness on the rights of special interest groups as provided for in the Constitution. Status of these various interest groups were highlighted and the groups developed possible change plans which range from, celebrating diversities in the County, increased access and sharing of information by County Government to the public and vice versa and strengthening groups, associations and cooperatives to champion the interests of special interest groups
The residents were also advised to embrace dialogue in tackling harmful and retrogressive cultural practices such as child marriage, beading, and female genital mutilation among others. The Commission called for enhanced access and involvement of women, youth and PWDs in the development funds among them UWEZO, Youth Fund, Youth Enterprise Fund, Affirmative Action Fund, CDF, Women Enterprise Fund and the Bursary Fund.