National Gender and Equality Commission Logo
Hon. Rehema Jaldesa
Hon. Rehema Jaldesa

Hon. Rehema Jaldesa | Chairperson

Rehema was appointed as the Chairperson of the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) on December 5, 2024, and was sworn into office on December 9, 2024. Her leadership reflects a steadfast commitment to advancing gender equality, equity, and social justice in Kenya. She holds a Master of Science in Governance and Leadership (Ongoing) from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, a Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Management (First Class Honors) from St. Paul’s University, in 2015, a Graduate Diploma in Management from Dublin Adult Learning Centre, 2012 and a Diploma in Public Relations from University of Nairobi, 2001

Before her appointment as the Chair of the Commission, she was a Woman Representative, in Isiolo County (2017–2022) where she Advocated for residents' rights and championed legislative initiatives, including the successful enactment of key laws and oversight of government projects.

She served as Board Chairperson, of Kenya Industrial Estates (2014–2017) and she Spearheaded financial recovery and strategic organizational restructuring to restore institutional success.

She also served as the Chairperson, of Ewaso Nyiro North Development Authority (2014–2016) and Led transformative governance reforms, earning recognition for her strategic vision and management excellence.

She was appointed as the Chief Administrative Secretary, of the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife, and Heritage (2023) and Focused on enhancing Kenya’s cultural and ecological heritage before the role was rendered unconstitutional by the High Court.

In the course of her career, she has made achievements which include: Successfully advocating for the amendment of the Health Act of 2007 to mandate organ donor banks in all Level 5 hospitals. Championed legislation benefiting pastoralist communities, including the National Council of Nomadic Education in Kenya (NACONEK) Bill and the Livestock and Livestock Products Marketing Bill, 2019. Advocated against gender-based violence, early marriages, FGM, and teenage pregnancies, utilizing platforms such as media and parliamentary forums.

Rehema is a passionate advocate for social justice and equality, driven by the belief that inclusivity and good governance are pillars of national development. She has consistently demonstrated the ability to bridge the gap between policy and practice, fostering collaboration among diverse stakeholders to achieve impactful change.

Hon. Rehema Jaldesa

Hon. Rehema Jaldesa


The Commission

The Commissioners are appointed by the President of the Republic and serve a one six year term.

Thomas Okoth Koyier, EBS

Thomas Okoth Koyier, EBS

Vice Chairperson

Caroline N. Lentupuru, MBS, HSC

Caroline N. Lentupuru, MBS, HSC


Dr. Margaret Karungaru, MBS

Dr. Margaret Karungaru, MBS


Michael Nzomo

Michael Nzomo
